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Jani Heikkinen

Rukousmetsä - The Sacred Grove (2022)

4:45 min

No dialogue

VAFT Screening: Meshwork

Saturday 4.11.2023 8:30 PM

Kino Diana, Humalistonkatu 3

The Sacred Grove is a meditative video animation, made with Unreal 3d-Engine, an experience in a candle-lit forest. The work includes a forest pond, an abandoned hippie camp, cliffs and ravines. In contrast to the rugged beauty of the untouched forest, waste is everywhere. On the outskirts of the forest rises a dark factory, which pours waste barrels into the surrounding waters day and night.

Jani Heikkinen (b. 1975) is a media artist, who has a long experience in visual expression, digital image processing as well as scriptwriting. He has done final production for many indie films and music videos. Since 2021 he has used virtual reality technology and created a digital landscapes with the Unreal Engine.


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Video Art Festival Turku (VAFT) is run by the non-profit association Ääriö ry

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